Friday, August 1

It's Football Season!

Its Football Season!!! Cooper knows when it's football season he senses his dad being glued to the Cougar board and seeing how the Dolphins might shape out this year! So what does Cooper do? His football gear is on everyday now. Running plays through the house and making sound effects. He crosses his eyes because he thinks he looks more mean or something? And always making little brother the "bad team" as Cooper calls it. Poor Steele, he going to be tough as nails!!! Go Cougars!!!


Sara said...

Go Cougs!! Chad is the same way, he loves his BYU football and that is our life when football season rolls around. Hopefully the Dolphins will actually do a little bit better this year! I really hope it work out well for John Beck.

Hope you don't mind me reading your blog!!

Sara Cluff (aka Wyatt...Phil's little sis)

Summer said...

I love how hard core Cooper is!!! Go Utes! Hee Hee